Patients who were diagnosed with distal fibular fracture in the initial ankle anteroposterior, lateral, and mortise were excluded and 78 patients (below 16 y of age) who had been initially diagnosed as ankle sprain were included. The purpose of this study is to determine the incidence of associated occult avulsion fracture in children with lateral ankle sprain and the efficacy of identifying fractures using anterior talofibular ligament view. Skeletally immature children with ankle sprain are presumed to have distal fibula fracture than ligamentous injury. Kwak, Yoon-Hae Lim, Jae-Young Oh, Min-Kyung Kim, Woo-Jin Park, Kun-Bo Radiographic diagnosis of occult distal fibular avulsion fracture in children with acute lateral ankle sprain. We report here on the successful surgical treatment and the first case evaluated by MRI of an avulsion fracture of the calcaneal apophysis in a child.

At 2 years and 6 months follow-up, she had full range of motion, complete return of strength. A combination of bioabsorbable suture tacks and pins was used to anatomically fix the fragment using the tension band wiring technique.

On the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination, we could diagnose that her injury was not chronic but acute because there was no change of intensity in the metaphyseal area. She was diagnosed with a displaced, isolated fracture of the proximal calcaneal apophysis for which she underwent open reduction and internal fixation. A 9-year-old female child presented to the senior surgeon complaining of acute heel pain after a gymnastic injury. In this study, we report on a case of a displaced calcaneal apophyseal avulsion fracture in a child treated with open reduction and internal fixation, as well as a review of the literature. Isolated fracture of the calcaneal apophysis is a rare injury in children and adolescents. Imai, Yuuki Kitano, Toshio Nakagawa, Keisuke Takaoka, Kunio