Comprehensive Guide (for Knowledgeable Beginners) :.Feel free to go through those comments and implement your own customizations. In the nf file found in the refind directory, there is an extensive yet short guide on syntaxes and their usages for customization which are commented out. Concise Guide (for Intermediate & Advanced Users) :.Using these methods gives you access to every aspect of the Boot Manager for customization hence, giving you even greater control on the Themeing and Customization of you rEFInd Boot Manager. Besides the numerous themes available online for free, here are two ways to customize the rEFInd Boot Manager for free. One of the major selling point of rEFInd Boot Manager is the ability to easily customize the Boot Manager according to your need without needing to learn programming specifically for this purpose. Sudo echo 'include rEFInd-RetroGame/nf ' > nf Customization Guide Step-1 : Navigate to Home Directory and Clone the Repository Following is a 3-step guide to installing this theme: This theme is very easy to install, it is just a matter of moving files from download location to the rEFInd installation directory. QUICK TIP: rEFInd Boot Manager can easily be installed on Debian-based Linux Distros by running sudo apt-get install refind -y in the Linux Terminal window.

Icons for all major and some minor Operating Systems, be it the top Linux Distros or BSD distribution, have been included in this theme to ensure smooth usage of this theme for end users of rEFInd Boot Manager. This theme has tried to come up with an amazing blend by trying to combine Artworks of Retro Games with the Modern Minimalist Icon Design patterns.Įfforts have been made to include icons that go well with this theme, all while staying true to the core philosphy behind the making of this theme. rEFInd-RetroGame has tried to encapsulate the same artistic brilliancy and nostalgia to help rEFInd users to relive the past. There was something beautiful about the design of those games the colour schemes, the story lines, the illustraions, etc. rEFInd-RetroGame is a theme inspired by the golden yesteryears of Gaming when pixelated graphics and tiny sprites were the norm. An old-school retro Theme for rEFInd Boot Manager.